Roald Dahl and The Wonka Bar

"We have so much time and so little to do. Strike that, reverse it."
In 1964, British author Roald Dahl published his children’s novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. According to Dahl, the inspiration from the story came from his childhood. In the 1920s, Cadbury would send test samples of chocolate to schoolchildren in exchange for their opinions. If the kids liked the chocolate, Cadbury would manufacture the sweet. Cadbury, and rival Rowntree, often accused each other of sending spy’s into the factories and schools to measure up the competition. To protect their interests, both companies become highly protective of the chocolate, machines and new concepts; installing secretive measures to prevent spying.
Shortly after release of the book, people who were enamored with the story were seeking the Wonka Bar in candy stores. The Quaker Oats Company, recognizing this story was a huge success, financed the beloved movie in 1971 for 3 million bucks. As a promotional item, the company manufactured the Wonka Bar, making this the first fictional candy bar to come to life. The "Charlie's" of the world rejoiced! Slugworth would have been equally as delighted to learn about the production of the Everlasting Gobstopper in 1976, by Breakers Confections.
Everlasting Gobstopper, Wonka Bar, Fizzy Lifting Drinks, Snozberries, that gum that made "Violet turn violet, Violet".... what ever it is... “Don't care how, I want it now”.