The Origins of Rum, and its Place in History
After rum's development in the Caribbean, the drink's popularity spread to the North.

Welsh Rarebit. The Quirky Name for a Delicious Dish.
The word rarebit has no other use in Welsh language, life or literature. It is possible that rarebit was originally rearbit, something eaten

Beef and Lamb Meatballs with a Mint and Parsley Glaze.
King Richard II was quite the lover of these grand events and feasts. His team of 300 plus chefs fed thousands a people a day, and the kitch

Pan Seared Scallops with Pea Puree
In Medieval Times, fish was a general name used for anything that was not a land living animal. Fish included, obviously… fish, but it also

Midsummer's Eve and a Summer Wine for Around the Bonfire
Ypocras was also referred to as Hippocras, after the famous Greek physician Hippocrates

We all Scream for Ice Cream!
With all the nostalgia around ice cream, it may be surprising to learn that the sweet treat did not originate in America

Pork Meatballs with Sage and Mead Creme
Medieval food had sophistication, using spices like cumin, cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg to enhance the flavor, not mask it.

Earl Grey Tea. A Splendid Cup of Tea with a Tasty Tale of Creation
Earl Grey tea is a black tea flavored with the oil from the rind of a bergamot orange. This fragrant orange is a fruit mostly grown in Italy

Magical Medieval Chickpeas made into a Modern Treat
Some of the remedies that we found most interesting were foods used to increase libido and virility. Doctors advised that those looking to i

Clam Cakes, Rhody Style
Clam cakes are a New England classic. Though these delicious, fried dough balls are often found in seafood shakes from Maine to Connecticut